The Emmerance's Podcast

Manifesting Your Dream Life: The Journey from Vision to Reality

Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala Season 3 Episode 59

In this podcast episode, Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala takes the listeners on a journey to uncover the secrets of manifestation. The episode explores how envisioning the life one wants could lead to its actualization. Emmerance explains the three natural stages of pregnancy - conception, gestation, and birth - to reveal the power of purposeful action and unwavering patience. The episode draws inspiration from David Goggins' captivating stories in "Can't Hurt Me" and shares Victoria's tales of triumph to encourage listeners to achieve their heart's desires. Listeners will learn about the tools and techniques to help them manifest their dreams into reality, including a dedicated meditation routine and a list of traits for an ideal partner.

5 Great Manifestation books to help you with your journey:
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
A New Heart by Eckhart Tolle
As A Man Thinketh by James Allen.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
The Game of Life and How to Play It by  Florence Scovel Shinn 

Freebie promotion: Grab the free Ebook The Beauty of Self-Love: How to Find Love In Your Singleness.

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About Emmerance:

Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala is a Self-Empowerment Coach, personal development blogger and Transformational speaker. She has been helping people with their self-love and personal development journey by being their coach or accountability partner.

If you have any questions, contact Emmerance @TheEmmerance or email

Instagram: @TheEmmerance


Music Credits: @sakionthebeat

Speaker 1:

Don't think too little of your dreams, of your goals, don't think that you are unable to reach them, because, again, life moves differently.

Speaker 2:

This is the Emirates podcast, where we empower you to choose yourself, because there's no other human being that's more important in this world than you. This might sound selfish, but it's not. If you believe that choosing yourself is selfish, then I want you to know that self first isn't selfish, and I will tell you why.

Speaker 1:

Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of the Emirates podcast. I'm your host, emirates, victoria Odiantala, and I'm happy to have another episode. Yeah, so today I am going to talk about manifestation. I think I spoke about this before in previous episodes. Again, I don't go back to my episodes and listen to them Maybe I should but in this one I'm just going to tell you about manifestation in another way. There's different ways to manifest what you need and different books will tell you different stories. So let's go. So.

Speaker 1:

I saw this story on TikTok, basically this girl. It's not a story, actually, it's an analogy of how to manifest, how manifestation works, and this is exactly what happens in every situation. Like I said, many people have different ways of manifesting and just know that in your daily life you are manifesting, you are doing manifestation without even thinking. That's how your thoughts work. That's how words work. Like I said in the previous podcast episode. I said, your words can heal or curse, so if you're not careful what you say or how you think, you're manifesting anyways. So, basically, how this person explained manifestation is it's like giving birth or having a baby.

Speaker 1:

When you are planning, when parents want to have a baby, have a child even if it's unwanted or wanted. People know how people have babies. Right, you have sex. So when you take that action of having sex, you are putting yourself out there. You're giving the possibility of having a child. So you take the action which is sex. Two people come together, they have sex and then possibilities of having a child.

Speaker 1:

However, the initial stage of pregnancy some women don't know that they're pregnant until a few weeks or months after. Sometimes it doesn't show, sometimes they don't have any symptoms. So it's a process. It's a process where you are not sure or you don't know that you're pregnant and then after that you realize that you're pregnant but you're not getting the baby right away. The baby has to form in the woman's womb and have that child. So basically, the tummy will start showing over time and then you will start seeing or feeling that the baby is moving and then afterwards you get into labor.

Speaker 1:

Well, if you're a woman I don't know you know the woman will get into a labor and then we'll have the baby and the baby will be physically there. You'll be holding the baby and that is how manifestation work, and I think it's the best way to explain to someone what is manifestation and how it works. So, basically, in order to manifest something in this world, there is the action, there's the time and there's the enjoyment. At the end of the road, the tunnel, you enjoy what you're trying to manifest and sometimes you don't, because, again I said, you cannot, like, control certain manifestations, like I would be saying that, oh, you know, it's that time of the year again, people are getting sick, and you know what? I get sick it's. That's exactly how manifestation works, guys. I am not joking, and one thing that I want you guys to do is to be intentional. Intentional intentions are very important. Being control of yourself is very important.

Speaker 1:

If you are not in that stage yet, please read a few books. I'm gonna actually link some books on this podcast description and and give you some books that I'm gonna have to just sit down and be like okay, what books help me? Okay, there's a lot of books that would help you with your manifestation, and most of the books that I've read, it's like reading another person's story and understanding what steps they took in order to get there. One person that I really love, like he's someone that even I had to make my boyfriend read his book it can't hurt me by David Goggins. So David Goggins story is crazy. Okay, he was not that rich kid. He was not that kid that was pampered. As a child he was actually abused by his dad and his mom had to run away from his toxic dad in order to survive because she couldn't take it anymore. But his life doesn't get better. Like he gets a stepdad after that that he actually feels like love from him, but at the end of the day the person ends up getting shot, like it just gets worse. Anyways, you should read his book. He will show you what manifestation looks like in the world, where someone always takes action, he is intentional with what he wants and he talks to himself.

Speaker 1:

The important part that I want to make you understand is it's normal to talk to yourself. You need to have that conversation with yourself. Like actually talk to yourself. Like what do we want? Like talk to me, okay, and sit there and write down whatever comes into your mind, if you don't know. But if you want something in particular, if you want to have that fit body, if you want to have that girlfriend, boyfriend, everything takes work. Everything has to come with an action. You have to be proactive, you have to move. You know you have to take action and you have to move towards that goal, and it can start by just thinking and be precise of what you want. Feel free to do that. Feel free to write the two pages, ten pages of the type of woman that you want or the type of men that you want. Describe them to the T if you want. Okay, just know that, when it comes to other people, we cannot control, but maybe I should talk about it in another episode, about dating, and I don't know if I even talked about it before, but a lot of things that we do in our life affects our future.

Speaker 1:

Another thing is when you're thinking about your future and what you want because what you want is your future. Basically you're thinking, okay, maybe I'm overweight today, tomorrow I want to be fit and slim and have abs, but that's the future. Right, you don't have it yet. What you have to do is first, yes, you write it down. I encourage you to write things down, write it down and once you write, like that whole life or however description you have of your future, write down at least three affirmations, three affirmations that would describe, that describe I am healthy. I am healthy and fit. I am healthy. I can lift, however weights that your goal. Whatever you wrote in your goal, like, write it down, write down those affirmations and think about it as often as you want.

Speaker 1:

Now there's another way that people encourage others, especially when you meditate. If you're someone that interested in meditations, I was a huge fan of that. I used to meditate for 40 minutes, 50 minutes, each morning, and I was really intentional, like when the sun goes up, I would be out there in my balcony looking at the sun going up and I would just feel the air and feel it and like, think about the future that I want. And, guys, when I was doing that, believe me, today I'm living it. I'm living exactly what I described, and you know what?

Speaker 1:

One thing that I realized is that we think so little about our manifestations. We wanna be humble, we wanna be like, oh you know, like being a millionaire. I don't even. You don't even. You can't even taste what it feels like, like you can't even feel it. You don't even know what it looks like. So obviously it's normal, which I am not even blaming myself for thinking small, but my thoughts back then I just wanted peace and I wanted a partner. I wanted a partner, that would cherish me, that would love me, understanding family person.

Speaker 1:

Like I wrote at least two pages at least it's a two page of describing exactly what I wanted. My partner and my boyfriend today has at least 90% of it. Three he doesn't have, but that's okay. 90% I am blessed. Like I read this book and this woman was saying if they at least have 30% of what you want, you know, take it. And I think 90% is a blessing. Of course my boyfriend is not perfect. We have our differences, especially in communication, and I'm not just putting it all on him. I know I have a podcast but, guys, when I'm in my feelings I'm not the best as communicating. You know it's not my forte or whatever you call it. I needed to work on that and that's what I'm doing. I'm working on it and it's just because he has this good heart, this love for me, that we're able to work on it. I hope you understand.

Speaker 1:

Don't think too little of your dreams, of your goals, don't think that you are unable to reach them because, again, life moves differently. When I was in that balcony meditating, I was not really sure about where I was going 100%. I was thinking about moving to Toronto, I ended up being in Vancouver. However, Vancouver is just a blessing for me because everything just worked out. Guys, it's crazy. A lot of people just think, okay, how is it possible?

Speaker 1:

Like, when I moved to Vancouver, many people were surprised that I just wanted to reset my life. I just wanted to have a place where I can be far not too far, but far from my family, because we have our differences and have a new environment, have new friends and new boyfriend, a new place to live. I love my apartment. I love it's like a kind of a condo apartment, I don't know what people call it has high ceilings, beautiful kitchen. It's just what I wanted.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking when I was visioning my apartment where I was gonna live, I was visioning big, huge windows and a beautiful view. And when I look, I don't live in like a high, you know, in the 14th floor. I live on the third floor but there's beautiful trees that I can see and look at beautiful colors when the season change. I can see everything from this big window. It's beautiful. It's a blessing. And again, I was thinking little. I think I was thinking little. I think back then I was just wanting to be free, going away and reset my life. That was the most important part. But today I am seeing myself like rethinking, like what exactly do I want? Like just think about it, what do you?

Speaker 2:

want Vicky.

Speaker 1:

Like, what is it that will make you happy and make you more assured of yourself? And it's a lot of things in my head, like I just have to think and rethink and make sure that, now that I have a partner, that we're on the same path, right what he wants. We kind of cross path on what we want and, you know, sometimes we would talk about the type of houses we would like to live in, like when we own our home. Like, what kind of houses do we want? A big home? Do we want a small one? Do we? You know all of these things and honestly, I had this vision Ever since I was a child that I would live in a big ass house, big ass home.

Speaker 1:

And my boyfriend is different. Like he just wanna be living, like he just wanna enjoy life. He's very simple. He doesn't really choose or have preferences. I would say, not choose, but have preferences in these things. I have big goals. Okay, I'm blessed that he doesn't have, like this, preferences and I can just like okay, this is what I want, and he's gonna think about it and if it doesn't go with what he wants, then we'll talk about it.

Speaker 1:

But it's important that you think, you write things down and you do these three affirmations of the things that you want, because that's how manifestation works. Okay, and that's just the first part of it, the part where you're just throwing things out there, saying things, affirming things, being like yes, I am someone that people go to. Anything that you think you are, write it down. Now. The second thing is I want you to read what you wrote. I want you to read what you wrote and I want you to think about the things that you're doing today. And that's another video that I watched, and this girl was explaining how important it is to be in tune with your future self. What does that mean? Like, what is your future self is telling you to do? What is it that you're doing today? That your future self will be like yes, teamwork, it's because of you that today I have this and then I can do more.

Speaker 1:

And while I'm thinking about it, I'm like thinking about generational wealth and how a parent would go out there, do its things, have a job, pension, life insurance and stuff but they don't just leave this world without giving something to their kid. The kid comes into this world. Let's say this parent comes, he's an immigrant, comes to this to Canada and he has to take housing, government housing. The government is paying everything for him, he's helping him and stuff. But the parent is like this is not where I'm going to leave my kid in. You know, I'm not going to live my kid in this situation. So what he does, he goes to work, gets a mortgage, buy a home, pays off that home, and now the kid is grown enough, the kid goes to a nice school, has good education and starts his life. But when the parent is not going to be there anymore, he's going to leave that house to the child, and so on and so forth. The child will live in that house, will probably be like you know what? This is not where I should be, and stuff and things. Far, far, far far. And then now the child has a stepping stone to start off with.

Speaker 1:

I had this conversation with a few friends of mine and I'm like it is a lot of people live life in an unfair way. Some people are in the world where we have work and stuff. They're making good money, but they're not even able to enjoy that money or invest in themselves. They have to take care of their family. That's because the family did not do the proper steps in order to not put that child in that situation where they have to take care of them? And that's where boundaries comes in. A child should be a child.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yes, we say that you know, take care of your elders and stuff, but again, I am sometimes heartless on this topic. Like you had your life right, try, at least to the best of your ability, to make things easier for the next generation Because, believe me, your child do want to take care of you. Your child do want to be there for you. But, as a parent, I don't understand how. It's not something that people think about Like I don't want my future, my child, to be taking care of me. So what do you do? You start eating healthy, you work out, you make sure that you have money in the bank, you invest, you have a retirement fund, all of these things so that your child can take care of themselves.

Speaker 1:

And, honestly, it's not everyone that thinks that way. So, unfortunately, there are two children that are going through tough times just because they have to take care of their parents, and God bless you if that's not the case, but many of us were in that situation and it's so hard for us to let go and move on, because we're so worried that our parents are not going to be able to make it without us. But another thing that I want to say is that if you're always there giving them stuff, they're not going to be independent. They're always going to depend on you. Now, right? So it's important to have that boundary and say this is what I can do or I can send every month, but the rest you have to figure it out and, believe me, they will figure it out. 100 possibilities out there, they will figure it out. Believe me, it's just life.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, you are going to think about if you're in tune with your future self. What does that mean? You're going to look at your habits, your environment, everything that you're doing. And I always go back to the five health and relationships method. You have to really think about your emotional, financial, mental, physical and spiritual health. Think about all of these five health and be like, okay, am I taking care of myself enough, because this is going to be something that's going to help you move forward. So your five health helps you take care of yourself. Your relationship is your network.

Speaker 1:

Use people. People are there for you to utilize their knowledge, their connections, anything. You have to be able to work with your friends. Your friends should be able to work with you. It's like a give and take relationship. Relationships are like that. I help my siblings with many things and I help people If they want me to help. I am always there to help and I'm not saying that I'm looking at them the same way, but if I see that this person have connections that I can utilize, why not? You can use people Relationships are there healthy for you to go and find guidance, counseling, all of these things. People have friends that have this ability to take care of themselves and you can just go and ask them like how did you get that? How did you get there? How come you have this car? What did you do? How did you invest? How did you have this home? Like, how is? Like? My coworker once told me how she got her house, and it's important to have this information because it opens your world. It opens your eyes in many different ways. So when you're thinking about if your habit is helping your future self and you feel like, okay, this is not helping or this is just not going to help me at all, remove them. Remove it because it's not reflecting what you are trying to do or get. It's not helping you get where you want to be. So that's the second step. The third step is implementing. Now you have to implement skills that will help you reach that goal.

Speaker 1:

I remember I never even thought about having a podcast. But one thing I remember was when I took a coaching class. I was like you know what, even when I was finishing university, before I even like get to this place, I was like I need to figure out how to get rid of my shyness, I need to figure out how to communicate, how to talk to an audience. It was really important to me. So I got, I got coached and the coach was like, with this tool, with you knowing how to talk to people, how to tell your story, you can actually have a podcast Every episode. You can take this method and do this and do that. And I was like really podcast. So when I had that coaching, I already had my blog. I already started sharing things on my blog post. And then I'm like you know what I dread writing? Honestly, it's beautiful if you are good at it, but I just don't know where to start when I write. So when I started podcast, I was like this is easy. All I have to do is just talk to myself in a microphone, it registers and then I edit and publish Very easy. But I would never even thought of this.

Speaker 1:

And maybe this podcast, guys, is a stepping stone towards my the future that I want. You know, I've had multiple like. I have a. I have a journal where, back in 2018, I wrote no-transcript, like every stages of my years, like in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. I think I did it for five years until I reached the age of 27, which I am right now, and I told myself like I had, like all of these goals, like a whole work in a marketing agency, because my bachelor degree was in marketing and in 2018, that's where, when I graduated. But, guys, I'm not there, like that's not what I do for a living. And today now I'm like okay, I need to update that, I need to update that notebook and I need to also figure out what I want in the next five years.

Speaker 1:

And what I honestly would tell you is, when you write about your future self, don't put a year in it, because you never know, sometimes things can come sooner or later. And when you're working towards that goal, you actually get more clarification on what your future should look like. Believe me, because a lot of things have changed for me and I am looking at life differently now and I'm prioritizing other stuff. Now it's the same thing. You implement these new skills, you start doing these things, you start bettering yourself. Those are the actions that you need, and I am inviting you to focus on these new skills, the stuff that you want to learn all year in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Do not let that go. Do not feel like it's worthless. At least do something that will make you take one step towards that goal. That future. That's pretty much it, guys Like. That's how you manifest things by taking actions. And when you're taking actions, you will realize in the future that you're actually where you told yourself that you would be.

Speaker 1:

Just how I realized that I was thinking about when I was meditating. I am living the life that I manifested, and sometimes, when I tell my boyfriend that I manifested him in my life, he's like, wow, that's cool. That is something that he would say. And that's how I just encourage people to manifest, because you are able to do wonderful things. You are in control of your life. Do not let people own your time, own your future. Don't let people that do not take care of themselves pull you down with them. Don't do that. Separate yourself, differentiate yourself, get new friends, get people that would support you and encourage you. On that note, I will let you go. It was really nice talking to you guys. When you have a chance, please rate this podcast, let me know your listening. Send me a DM at DMRens on Instagram and I will be happy to hear from you. Okay, all right. So remember, self first isn't selfish. Bye, bye.