The Emmerance's Podcast

How to Create a Vision Board

Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala Season 3 Episode 64

Unlock the secrets to manifesting your dream life with Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala in this empowering podcast episode. Delve into the transformative world of vision boards as Victoria guides you through the process of turning your aspirations into reality. Learn how to set clear, actionable goals, select meaningful visuals and affirmations, and harness the constant motivation of your vision board. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we embrace the power of visualization to design the life we truly desire. Subscribe now and start building your dream life today!

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About Emmerance:

Emmerance Victoria Odia Ndala is a Self-Empowerment Coach, personal development blogger and Transformational speaker. She has been helping people with their self-love and personal development journey by being their coach or accountability partner.

If you have any questions, contact Emmerance @TheEmmerance or email

Instagram: @TheEmmerance


Music Credits: @sakionthebeat


While you're doing your vision board, you should be really admiring this thing. You should be like, oh my gosh, this is so cute, like I actually want this. I want this, the type of ring that I see here. This is the type of ring that I want as a proposal. You know, if my men proposed to me this is the exact ring that I would like. And so you are so precise like that and you continue and there's. The more you're precise, the more it has to do with what you actually want, the more you will be motivated to go and get it.


This is the Emmerance's podcast, where we empower you to choose yourself, because there's no other human being that's more important in this world than you. This might sound selfish, but it's not. If you believe that choosing yourself is selfish, then I want you to know that self first isn't selfish, and I will tell you why. Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of the Emmerance's podcast. I'm your host, Emmerance, Victoria Odia Ndala, and today I am happy and grateful to be here, because God gave me another day for me to come here and talk to you, give you my two cents on how you can put yourself first in your world. So today we're going to talk about vision boards. I'm going to teach you how you are going to manifest your life, the life that you want, by using a vision board. So basically, we're going to start with like understanding what is a vision board, because I feel like people just do things because there's a trend and I think for many years, the more you say, like the new years knew me, or something like that, people are just like oh, it's just the same old. Like you're there for the first, like January, you're pumped, and then February comes in, you know you're still pumped, but not too motivated. And then March you're like you know that's done, like my motivation is done and I want you to understand that it is normal because you're going with the trend.


But if you are doing this, when you have the knowledge and understanding that a vision board is actually something that can help you push through your hardship and like everything that you like want, and you have to like motivate yourself to just want it, that's the first step. Like you have to understand that a vision board is a manifestation tool and a vision board is there for you to create and have whatever is in your head materialize it in reality. So, basically, a vision board is what you want, it's your vision, it's whatever you like, it's the lifestyle that you would like to create, it's the things that you would like to obtain. So a vision board is anything that you believe that you deserve to have and you are challenging yourself to reaching them. And now, when we talk about a vision, we also talk about goals, and we also talk about planning. And all of that because you can have a vision, but without planning or without goals, are you really going to get there? I'm not too sure.


So, before you do your vision board, one thing that you must do is actually write down what your vision is. You have to be very specific in what you want, and even if it's not just for 2024, it can be for the long run. Right, you just create a vision that has to do with your ideal life. If today you're depressed, then your ideal life might be you know you're happy with a partner and you have kids, and you have your own home, you have investments and everything is just going great. You know you have to write that down. You have to write that vision down, and then you have to now think about yourself three, five, ten years from now and then write that down again, like, like, kind of write yourself like a letter from the future. And when you write it you have to be like I'm so grateful that this is happening right now. We have a business and it's running like this, we have this amount of employees and stuff like that. So I'm just talking about business, but you can implement it everywhere. You can say like I have a husband, I have a wife that is so lovable. We, we handle everything with care, we communicate, we just understand each other. I'm grateful, so like, so, so grateful for all of these. So this could be the vision that you have for the three, five, ten years.


You just write a letter for yourself in the future like you're in the future, and you write a letter to yourself in the past like it can be really anything that you would like, something that you really want to get. And then after that, when you're done now, you have to actually think about what goals you can set in place in order for you to reach there. You have to set up some goals that will help you reach that vision. So the goals can be anything. Also, you write down your goals, you write down what you would like to accomplish, and then we're still not done yet, we're still in planning. You're going to be able to just obtain what you want by taking the time, even if it's five, 10 minutes a day, to just do this part before you do your vision board. You will be more grateful to yourself because you took the time to do that.


So, after you set up for it, you set up your goals, you set up your vision, you set up all the things that you want, and I encourage you to do something like okay, this is my ideal life, this is my life in 10 years from now and this is my life in three years from now. This is what I would recommend, because the more vague you are, the less you will be precise when you do your vision board. If you just do this is my ideal life and this is my vision board, you're most likely not going to be able to reach it Because it's very blurry, right. It's very vague, like you don't even know where you're going. You don't even know what your goals are to reach that. So I would say you know, you do your ideal life and then, if you don't know what your ideal life is, just think about your life in 10 years from now, and if you're someone that's very precise, you can have an ideal life. And then you do. You know what my life will look like in 10 years, and then you do what your life will look like in three years from there. You create your goals based on the three years. The goals that you will set are the goals that you will be doing in 2024, because this is just year one of the vision that you want to reach in three years.


So once you have that in place, okay, let's say that's day one. You did that. You have your goals. Do it point form, right Point form. It can be about your physical health, relationship, anything. It's your world. Use it, use it to go far, honestly, like, use this moment because you're manifesting All right. Anything that we put our mind to is materializing. So all the lies that you heard about yourself is probably the reason why you have such a disturbed or not getting what you want in life, because you've heard and believed in so many lies that you're believing in them, and now it's materializing. Your subconscious mind is just doing what you believe Right.


So once you're done doing the goals planning, vision you will have to go in the meditation mode. So I would say, you know, youtube is a great tool. There's a lot of guided meditation, like songs or music, or there's. There are meditation books that I read and I can put in the description below so that you can read them too. It's really a process, though, but you can also do this very quickly.


All you have to do is close your eyes and think about that ideal life, right?


Close your eyes, think about it.


What does your life looks like?


Are you at that same job? Do you have a promotion? How's your relationship like? Are you married? Do you have a ring on your finger? Like, what is that ideal life Like when you meditate, with a song or without a song? Just take a moment it can be a minute or five minutes. Just lay down, lie down somewhere comfortable, get comfortable, even if you're sitting down, just get comfortable and be like you know, okay, this is how my relationships is, and this is this and this is that, and the more you visualize it in your head, the more emotions comes in. Now, that emotion should be positive, because that's what you want, right, if you want a ring a ring, like you know, to get proposed to, if your, your man has been taking forever to propose to you and this is something that you would like in 2024. You just sit down and think about that proposal, how he's giving you that ring and how that makes you happy and excited and you're just in heaven right now. That emotion cherishes it. Keep it with you, because you'll need it All right.


So again, you're going to meditate, not the home away, not the meditation, yoga meditation no, you're just going to sit down with yourself and think about your ideal life and then put some emotions in it. You have to Like. That's the key. The key to manifesting is you understanding that it is real. It's just not here yet. You got it already. You know your vision board, anything that's in your vision board, you have it already. But how are you going to trick your subconscious mind to believe that you have it is by having that emotion, feeling that emotion right now as you're meditating, as you're thinking about it, and you have it in your head. You're visualizing it, you believe it, you feel it. It makes you happy. One key like I do this all the time when I meditate is you smile, smile, just just be, have that grateful feeling. You know how you've. You've had to like I don't know if you had any miracle moments in your life, but let's say I remember me when I graduated university and I was in the in the ceremony era area and I was just like, wow God, I cannot believe I'm here, I cannot believe I made it.


When I was there, I was like it's like a deja vu, where I did meditate for it. I did see myself in that ceremony about to get my diploma. I did see myself because, if you listen to the past episode, I talked about my depression moments and one of them was about my student loans and stuff. So I did not really know that I was going to graduate. I had three semesters to to finish and I had to pay the tuition myself. So it's unreal. But that feeling, that feeling that I felt when I was finally in the moment in that ceremony, that's the same feeling that I was feeling when I meditated for it, when I meditated for this very moment, and I was grateful for a lot of things. So bye, guys, go home.


I'm like still in that meditation phase because I'm like this is so important, like you're not gonna go and do a vision board without really knowing what you want, without really Visualizing what you want. If you are visualizing your body to be a certain shape, you know that is important. You need to like how does that make you feel to actually be having that body goal? You know, like you have to tell me, because You're the only person that will know and you have to understand that it's on you. You're the person that needs to manifest these things, that needs to put this into this real world. Like that people can see the changes and the amazing Transformation that you're doing in your life. So that feeling should make you feel very good, like you should feel super good, like Almost as if you won the lottery type of thing.


So once you meditate it and you're done, whatever you had in your head, whatever you visualize and you saw and that made you feel happy, write it down, write it down somewhere. Write it down. The point forms like okay, I'm married, I have kids, I have this, my body goal. Oh, my gosh, I finally lost 10 pounds and this and that, and la la, like I finally have money in the bank, and things like that. And Then you're gonna go and create your vision board. Now, your vision board, you can use tools like Kenva and on splash. You use Kenva to create your vision board. You can even like write on the search engine in Kenva vision board and it's gonna give you like some templates that you can start with and Then, if you are looking for a picture as Kenva has a lot of pictures there, but there's also unsplash where you can get like some pictures, and there's also Pinterest where you can get more pictures.


Now one thing is pick a picture that represents your skin color, especially if it has to do with, like Engagement and stuff, because you have to see yourself Through that picture. Whether there's a face in there or not, the person has to look Similar to you and the main similarities that you can pick up on is your skin color, right, so you're gonna have to search someone that has a sin. If you're Indian, pick an Indian person Like. Pick an Indian wedding. You're not gonna pick like someone from you know If they're, if you're not into the white dress wedding, you're not gonna pick any type of you know pictures. Pick something that you see yourself in, pick something that you see yourself in and Take that and put in your vision board.


Now your vision board can also have words in it. I highly recommend quotes or Affirmations. Affirmations are really good, especially if you are looking for money or you're looking for a partner or you're looking for a health. All of these things, all the pictures, actually can turn into Words. Right, I am healthy, money is just coming to me easily and I don't even need to try is just so attracted to me that I'm grateful for it. I'm grateful for this promotion that I had and you can even write the date if you dare. You can write a date if you dare and you can like. You can be so Challenging and so precise and you'll be so amazed by a lot of things, like you were going to be so amazed, because the things that comes with a vision board like I cannot describe it, because I've used this same method that I'm sharing with you to manifest a lot of things in my life, and I am even going to review my vision board because I'm like, did I do that? I think I missed something. Anyways, I'm facilitating a workshop on February 3rd and this is something that I am going to share with people, and I'm also going to share my vision board. Maybe I should share my vision board here so you guys can see what it looks like, but I might change it. I might change it, so whatever.


But another thing is when you are doing your vision board, just make sure that it has things that you relate to and that's the pictures that you really want. Like, if you want an Audi car, you're not going to put a Tesla in there, right, you have to be precise. If you want a condo, you're not going to put a house. Even if you want a condo, you're not going to put an apartment. While you're doing your vision board, you should be really admiring this thing. You should be like oh my gosh, this is so cute, like I actually want this. I want this, the type of ring that I see here, this is the type of ring that I want as a proposal. If my men propose to me, this is the exact ring that I would like. And so you are so precise like that and you continue. And the more you're precise, the more it has to do with what you actually want, the more you will be motivated to go and get it All right. So you're creating your vision board. You are feeling a certain feeling, a feeling of joy when you're doing it, because you're like I'm killing it, like this is so amazing. I can't believe that I have my vision board Now.


A vision board is not a done deal. Okay, you don't just do it and set it aside, or you don't just do it and leave it on Canva. Your vision board has to be somewhere. It has to be somewhere where you can revisit daily. I prefer daily and I prefer that you put it somewhere where you will easily see it when you, let's say, you use your phone right, you use your phone all the time your vision board should probably be in your background on your phone. But if you're someone like me that has, like their boyfriend and backgrounds and stuff, you can use your laptop or computer background and you put it there. Or you can print it and put it in your room or put it beside your, like, nightstand or office. You can put it in your office too, because you're there pretty much money to Friday, five times a week or you can put it somewhere you're just gonna see it. I don't know, maybe in the kitchen, if you cook a lot, or maybe somewhere in the living room where you can revisit a lot.


But the key here is to understand that when you are revisiting your vision board, you have to understand that you have to have an open mind, be open minded about the vision board Because, like I said, 2024 is up and running, we're reaching, we're already in February. Basically, when you're listening to this, it's already going to be February and I honestly believe that people who create vision board just another comment on the side, because that's also another reason why I'm going to redo my vision board is because we are celebrating new years in plain winter, in plain like, when the weather is not really beautiful outside and even nature is like not even there right. So when you are creating a vision board in this type of weather, you're probably going through a seasonal depression and I do not see how you would create a vision board when you are going through that, because you are not in the mood of creating something. You're in a mood to hibernate, you're in a mood to just watch Netflix all day and eat some comfort food and all that. You're not in the mood to be looking and visualizing and meditating unless you have a strong mind.


But I would encourage you to try doing your vision board around the end of winter, like. Try to do it when spring comes. Like the end of winter, you do your vision board and spring comes and you see like all these flowers and trees are blooming. It's beautiful because it's going to. You're going to see how, you know, the sun is setting less early. You're very in a good mood because the sun is there. You like it and you like seeing how it's just bright outside, late bright, and it's late, brighter than 5pm and it's brighter outside, you know. So, yeah, I encourage you to do your vision board near the end of winter and so that you can be the end of winter or actually like when spring comes, because you're actually going to go with nature and nature is like growing now and you are in a better mood and you will be able to just manifest a lot of things that way, because you're already in a better mood and when you manifest whatever you want to manifest, you are going to have that emotion with you.


But if you already did your vision board, I would say, like, when you do see it, when you do revisit it, when you look at it, look at it with an open mind, because it is something that you probably put, things that you know will take time to be there and you're probably not going to have everything that you put there, but you have to be very precise and it should motivate you. Your vision board should motivate you to actually reach them. And you know you have your goals, you have your vision and you have the right it's your birthright to have them, and so if you do this right, you're actually going to manifest what you want this year, and 2024 is going to be a bombast year for you. So that's it for me. Let me know if this was helpful in any way in the comments and I will see you next week. Remember self-first isn't selfish. Bye-bye.